Denis Razumović Razz i Leon Brenko Quartet - 24. Liburnia Jazz Festival
- 10,00 EUR Ulaznica
- Trošak obrade narudžbe iznosi 0,95 EUR po ulaznici (PDV uključen).
- Odgovorni organizator i prodavač
Liburnia Jazz- Konjsko 92c, 51415 Lovran, 51415 Lovran
DENIS RAZUMOVIĆ RAZZ # Discrepancies in blue
Denis Razz- alto sax / Karlo Lovrić- keys / Rajko Ergić- drums / Vedran Ružić- double bass / Karlo Ilić-
guitar / Lovro Mirth- vocal
Osvojio je mnoge nagrade i svirao s brojnim znamenitim glazbenicima, poput Herba Gellera i
Giovannija Maiera, potpisavši pritom četiri albuma kao lider: In Umbra, For Believers Only, Port to
Port to Port i Urban Minority. Međutim, Razz svoj najnoviji studijski album, Discrepancies in Blue,
smatra najuspjelijim, što izvedbeno, što skladateljski. Discrepancies in Blue donosi novu, svježu i
neustrašivu glazbu, no i svojevrstan presjek povijesti jazza od Charlieja Parkera i Charlesa Mingusa
naovamo. Razzova glazba nužno je suvremena, nemilosrdna u svakoj ideji, ali potpuno prožeta
Album je nastao kao rezultat Razzova razmišljanja o značenju njegova glazbenog stila, pa i utjecaju
zvučnih slika prenesenih njegovim izvedbama. Težio je shvatiti osjetljive mehanizme koji, kroz
glazbu, utječu na stvaranje "ukradenih trenutaka" tijekom izvedbe. U neku ruku, u skladu s
istraživanjima Olivera Nelsona u Blues and the Abstract Truth, Razz je o vlastitu radu rekao sljedeće:
"Posvećujem ove skladbe fenomenu bluesa. Pružam priliku slušateljima da urone u tamne,
nepravilne, asimetrične pukotine u najdubljim dubinama bluesa."
He won many awards and played with many notable musicians, such as Herb Geller and Giovanni
Maier, signing four albums as a leader: In Umbra, For Believers Only, Port to Port to Port and Urban
Minority. However, Razz considers his latest studio album, Discrepancies in Blue, to be his most
successful, both in terms of performance and composition. Discrepancies in Blue brings new, fresh
and fearless music, but also a unique cross-section of jazz history from Charlie Parker and Charles
Mingus onwards. Razz's music is necessarily contemporary, ruthless in every idea, but completely
imbued with swing.
The album was created as a result of Razz's thinking about the meaning of his musical style, including
the influence of sound images conveyed by his performances. He sought to understand the sensitive
mechanisms that, through music, influence the creation of "stolen moments" during performance. In
a way, in line with Oliver Nelson's explorations in Blues and the Abstract Truth, Razz said of his own
work: "I dedicate these compositions to the phenomenon of the blues. I offer listeners an opportunity
to plunge into the dark, irregular, asymmetrical cracks in the deepest depths of the blues."
LEON BRENKO QUARTET # - Keep on Moving
Leon Brenko – keys / Alen Spada – guitar / Bojan Skočilić – double bass, el. bass / Marko Lazarić –
Pijanist i klavijaturist Leon Brenko jedan je od najtraženijih i najcjenjenih glazbenika na suvremenoj
hrvatskoj glazbenoj sceni. Tokom godina surađivao je s nekim od najznačajnih hrvatskih autorskih
bendova i izvođača te istovremeno bio vrlo aktivan kao studijski glazbenik.
Dobitnik je strukovne nagrade „Status“ za najboljeg klavijaturista pop i urbane glazbe, koju svake
godine dodjeljuje hrvatska glazbena unija. Zadnjih desetak godina posvećen je isključivo sviranju i
istraživanju jazz forme, te je kao takav nastupao na brojnim festivalima s raznim hrvatskim jazz
glazbenicima, a od stranih valja izdvojiti Eddie Hendersona, Sharon Clark, Timo Lassya, Alex Sipiagina.
Leon iza sebe ima dva autorska albuma pod vlastitim imenom ( „From Now On“ 2021.g., te „ Keep
On Moving“ iz 2023.g.) Oba je izdala diskografska kuća Menart, a žanrovski prestavljaju fuziju jazza,
funka i pop glazbe.
Pianist and keyboardist Leon Brenko is one of the most sought after and respected musicians on the
contemporary Croatian music scene. Over the years, he collaborated with some of the most
important Croatian original bands and performers, and at the same time was very active as a studio
He is the winner of the professional award "Status" for the best keyboardist of pop and urban music,
which is awarded every year by the Croatian Music Union. For the last ten years, he has been
dedicated exclusively to playing and researching the jazz form, and as such has performed at
numerous festivals with various Croatian jazz musicians, and among the foreign ones we should